考慮2014年3月中前完成 。。。。。
考慮2014年3月中前完成 。。。。。
2014碧山杯 6 C.C. 团体赛 -- 18 May 2014
2014 碧山杯 -- 2 Competition Methods to be considered .......
2014 碧山杯 -- 2 Competition Methods to be considered .......
Team : 5 players per team without replacement.
Method : for either method, all 30 players to play for 5 hours
(a) 5 groups of 6-player round robin 30-minute fixed time
[ 1 hour per round, total of 5 rounds = 5 hours ]
(b) 3 big-team (10 players each) 2-round team event with recording of games
[ 2.5 hours per round, total of 2 rounds = 5 hours ]