2014年9月6日第1届“佛光杯”全国小学个人象棋赛(1 Punggol Place)
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-08-04 12:11:37  楼主  关注此帖评分:
2014年9月6日第1届“佛光杯”全国小学个人象棋赛(1 Punggol Place)

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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-08-04 12:12:45  2楼
Benefits of Playing Chess and Xiangqi (by 佛光会)
Benefits of Playing Chess and Xiangqi

It has been reported that extensive research has confirmed the benefits stated. Children, even at a very tender age can be encouraged to play as they too will reap the rewards of playing. In fact, some countries have placed chess into the education curricula. As Chess and Xiangqi share the same origin historically, the benefits of playing these games are the same.
Playing Chess and Xiangqi:
(1) improves concentration
You become more focused as you keep a tab on your moves and those of your opponent.
(2) improves memory
You have to use your past experiences to make better plays, and even remember the tendencies of your opponents. As you strive to beat your opponent, your memory will improve.
(3) improves decision making skills
When playing, you will be faced with a number of possible good moves, and after some time you will increase in speed and accuracy of choosing the 'best of the best' moves.
(4) improves efficiency in working under stress
The time factor and the threat of your king being kept in check, may cause you mental stress. You will have to keep your cool and think things through to put up a good fight. Hence, efficiency of work will improve.
(5) encourages competitiveness
It is healthy to have good-hearted competition, as it can be a motivating factor to excel as a better player and beat that good player in your tracks.
(6) improves logical reasoning
Chess requires you to think things through step-by-step, i.e. in a logical way. You will beat good players as you develop this crucial mental ability.
(7) improves mathematical skills
As your logical thinking improves, you will improve your mathematical skills. You will be able to 'see' computations much more clearly, and your speed of doing them will increase.
(8) encourages creative thinking
In a game, you need to think hard to make fantastic moves to win. The creative part of your brain will be stimulated, and you will be surprised by the results you progress over time.
(9) encourages independent thinking
Chess can mould you into a powerful, independent thinker. When you are in a game, you have to make decisions independently, and this will be expressed in how you play, with no one helping you.
(10) encourages discipline
Your patience and self-control will be tested and stretched as you spend time thinking, observing and making moves. Your overall discipline will certainly improve.
The benefits stated are not at all limited to Chess and Xiangqi, but are translated to all spheres of one’s life. As is proven by research studies, playing Chess and Xiangqi are highly advantageous. The great thing is that it is easy to get started, and the cost of a Chess and Xiangqi set is pretty inexpensive.
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作者:SG-Reporter (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1988) 发表:2014-08-05 16:22:41  3楼
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作者:新加坡碧山 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:2669) 发表:2014-11-21 07:24:11  4楼


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作者:天鹰 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:11) 发表:2014-11-26 22:57:01  5楼
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