招兵买马, buy车藏炮。 诚招condition:
know how to play Chinese chess. (Level above or equal 我行故我 (希望没弄错人. 或是自我感觉良好者。)
无性别歧视, SOC. ( 汗下先, SOC 的狠人好像不下了 )
For IFG Chinese Chess. Member got 4 points ECA.
有意者可send email to sunemissary@hotmail.com
(attach ur 棋史(想起了情史一词, 汗again). 当然情史也可, 感人就好)
IFG Chinese Chess date is: Next yr Feb xxx. (told by Chairperson of Chess club).
I may confirm whether u r in the group or not next yr. 因为要保留一些位子给其他人
偶去年下了, 最好骗得分