Middle 30s, looks younger,1.73m tall, a “nothing-to-have” guy came to Singapore 16 years ago, he has been studying
and working here ever since but went to Australia and Canada in between trying for a better life and environment.
Except ambition, passion and hard-working attitude, he got nothing in hand!!!
With God’s humor and kindness, he has got most of what he had dreamed for and planned of 16 years agoin career,
except his beloved sweetie in life ..many tears and regrets .. Life is so short without a point of return and
Life has to go on no matter how much joy and happiness,pains and sorrow, ups and downs one had experienced ..a young
and romantic heart always with him, so he tried his best luck here, hehe..
Interested, pls email to:jefking8@gmail.com
希望对方是位温柔贤慧,人品好,重感情, 通情达理,靓丽的女孩,身高1.60米以上,非诚勿扰,多谢!