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作者:breezee (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2882) 发表:2014-02-14 12:38:57  楼主  关注此帖评分:
【他乡活动】爱要大声说出来——情人节元宵节欢乐撒桃帖~    马年的正月十五、传统元宵节还刚好在公历2月14日,于是这一天不仅是中国传统的“情人节”元宵节,也恰好是西方传统中的“情人节”。这种“喜相逢”的情形基本上每隔19年才重复一次,上次出现在1995年,下次将出现在2033年。  元宵节之所以被喻为中国的“情人节”,是取意它是一年中第一个月圆之夜。元宵灯会在封建社会时,其实是给未婚男女相识创造机会的日子——那时的 年轻女孩平时不允许外出自由活动,唯有元宵节这天可以结伴出来游玩,趁机物色意中人。至今流传的很多文学和戏曲作品,多有古时青年男女在元宵之夜浪漫风流 促成姻缘的故事。欧阳修的“月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后”、辛弃疾的“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”等名句,都是元宵“情人节”活动的写照。     ——————以上摘自百度—————— 本次他乡撒桃帖的主题是——爱要大声说出来!   规则: 1,请跟帖回复一句 情人节/元宵节 你想对 喜欢的人/男女朋友/老公老婆/父母孩子/亲戚长辈 说的话~不少于十个字~ 2,请配美图至少一张~ 3,请在合适的时机亲口把这句话说给他们听哦~   以上满足条件1,奖紫色桃子20分,满足条件1和2,奖红心一只~ (more...)


 Every girl was taught a lot of things when growing up, if a guy punches you.... he likes you. Never try to cut your bangs, and someday you'll meet a wonderful guy, and earn your own happy ending.

Every movie we watched, every story we heard, implored us to wait for The third distorted things, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception of rules But sometimes, we so forcus on finding out our happy ending we dont learn how to read signs, how to know that, who want to us, who doesn't , who wants to stay, and who wants to leave. 

Maybe this happy ending doesn't include a wonderful guy, maybe just you, on your own, picking up the pieces, and starting over,completing yourself and look forward to better future,maybe the happy ending is just moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing that, through all the unchecked phone calls and broken heart, through all the blundered and misunderstood signs, through all the pains and discomfitures, you never, ever gave up the hope

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