求教 - 去国外工作我是SM3,刚毕业,收到一个欧洲公司(not Singpaore registered)的interview的机会. 拿到offer 的话就飞去欧洲了. 因为只是一个interview, 所以还不敢去惊动MOE, 上来问问大家:
1. 6年的合约有没有可能延后履行? 比如说去欧洲工作个2,3年积累经验再回来,有没有这样的先例?
2. 如果赔钱的话赔多少? (Engineering, NUS, 2001 intake), 可不可能分期赔? 一次要我拿十几万我可拿不出来.
3. 除了7月中的graduation ceremony学校还有什么活动? 成绩单跟毕业证书是那个时候拿吗? 是不是过了ceremony 就可以飞走了?
If you want to defer
You can get a banker's guarantee.
For example, you family has a big house in China, then you can let the bank access its value, than produce a guarantee for you, then pass to MOE.
Otherwise, you have to put cash in bank to serve as a guarantee, in which case, if you have so much cash, better just pay to MOE directly.
For example, you family has a big house in China, then you can let the bank access its value, than produce a guarantee for you, then pass to MOE.
Otherwise, you have to put cash in bank to serve as a guarantee, in which case, if you have so much cash, better just pay to MOE directly.