re-entry permit
by: flydolphin
REP(燕归来注:Re-Entry Permit)是一定要的,不过有两种,一个是直接在你的护照上面盖印,这样好像是50?另外一种是单独拿一个本(visa),这个本要20。一般的都是选直接在护照上面盖印就好
by: 笑眯眯
yes, this Re-Entry Pass allows you to multiful entry singapore
pr is a status, you can stay here as long as 5-10 years accoridng to your pr term, but after you go to overseas during your pr period, you still need a legal document showing that you are allowed to re-entry this country.
that's the purpose of issuing this pass
u can choose to pay less and get a piece of paper or you can pay more to get a 本本, which is easier to carry.
and ica will chop on your passport to grant you the rights of multiful entry singapore.
so, in order to get taht chop on your passport, you've got to pay...
请问PR的RENEW最早可以什么时候进行? 可以提前一年半吗?
RENEW的是跟PR有关联的RE-ENTRY PERMIT,RENEW本身的时间大概是30分钟,你不需要提前一年多就RENEW你的REP,如果你担心到时候可能不在新加坡,你可以在新加坡的驻外公署申请REP,最晚不能超过你的REP过期前的两个月。
如果换新护照,re-entry permit怎么处理?
by: 花心大哥
re-entry permit转去新护照是免费的,只要拿着新旧护照去移民局5楼(记不得了,反正是办PR的那层),不必排队取号,那里有个专柜专门做这个的,记得专柜旁边有块绿色的牌。
by: flydolphin
REP(燕归来注:Re-Entry Permit)是一定要的,不过有两种,一个是直接在你的护照上面盖印,这样好像是50?另外一种是单独拿一个本(visa),这个本要20。一般的都是选直接在护照上面盖印就好
by: 笑眯眯
yes, this Re-Entry Pass allows you to multiful entry singapore
pr is a status, you can stay here as long as 5-10 years accoridng to your pr term, but after you go to overseas during your pr period, you still need a legal document showing that you are allowed to re-entry this country.
that's the purpose of issuing this pass
u can choose to pay less and get a piece of paper or you can pay more to get a 本本, which is easier to carry.
and ica will chop on your passport to grant you the rights of multiful entry singapore.
so, in order to get taht chop on your passport, you've got to pay...
请问PR的RENEW最早可以什么时候进行? 可以提前一年半吗?
RENEW的是跟PR有关联的RE-ENTRY PERMIT,RENEW本身的时间大概是30分钟,你不需要提前一年多就RENEW你的REP,如果你担心到时候可能不在新加坡,你可以在新加坡的驻外公署申请REP,最晚不能超过你的REP过期前的两个月。
如果换新护照,re-entry permit怎么处理?
by: 花心大哥
re-entry permit转去新护照是免费的,只要拿着新旧护照去移民局5楼(记不得了,反正是办PR的那层),不必排队取号,那里有个专柜专门做这个的,记得专柜旁边有块绿色的牌。