besides checking resumeyou also need to do research in the industry and position you are interested in, find what other ways are there for you to explore. for example, network could be a useful way. it takes time, effort, perseverance as well as luck to find a good job. by maximizing the first three, you basically reduce any negative impact of the fourth element.
good luck.
却一直没有公司找我去面试。。因为工程出身,最近在报ENGIN,MICROE的工作。。但RESUME以前都是FOR MANAGMENT TRAINEE的,写得比较GENERAL。。不懂ENGIN的要怎样具体。。
却一直没有公司找我去面试。。因为工程出身,最近在报ENGIN,MICROE的工作。。但RESUME以前都是FOR MANAGMENT TRAINEE的,写得比较GENERAL。。不懂ENGIN的要怎样具体。。