急:PR还没有消息,temp EP 已过期。该如何?
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作者:hahata (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2007-12-07 09:40:05  楼主  关注此帖
急:PR还没有消息,temp EP 已过期。该如何?
我9月6号apply PR, by DEC 6, MY temp EP expired. but i haven't got any reply from ICA about my PR application result.

1) do notify me only by mail, don't they?
2) Can i call them to check my PR application process? if can, what number to call?

really worried...i am illegally working now.....

Thanks a lot!


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作者:燕归来 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:461) 发表:2007-12-07 13:07:23  2楼 评分:
你必须自己去ica,他们会给你renew temp ep
你必须自己去ica,他们会给你renew temp ep

1) do notify me only by mail, don't they?


2) Can i call them to check my PR application process? if can, what number to call?


你这种情况应该赶快去ica补办一下,我有个朋友就因为超过3个月PR没下来,他什么都没做,最后被要求写信解释,因为事实上temp ep过期之后已经属于非法居留了。
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作者:hahata (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2007-12-07 17:18:57  3楼
你必须自己去ica,他们会给你renew temp ep你必须自己去ica,他们会给你renew temp ep 1) do notify me only by mail, don't they? 指的是批准之后他们是通过信件联系你(或者要求而外的文件也是通过邮件联系你)。如果3个月没有批准他们没有义务要通知你的,你必须自己注意。 2) Can i call them to check my PR application process? if can, what number to call? 随时都可以打电话询问的 你这种情况应该赶快去ica补办一下,我有个朋友就因为超过3个月PR没下来,他什么都没做,最后被要求写信解释,因为事实上temp ep过期之后已经属于非法居留了。
多谢! 我中午跑回家去查了一下,有封信,叫我把家庭成员CV补具体, it says
it says,
" Kindly furnish us the detailed full curriculum vitae of your family members i.e. parents and siblings. The curriculum vitae should include information on their employment history, employers, designations, ranks and duties."

fax or post within 2 weeks from the date of the letter. office hour 8am to 4pm Monday to Fridy.

但是我以前明明写了一页family CV,包括名字,关系,生日,单位,职务,联系电话。。。这些都不够吗?
(3)designations + ranks + duties, 是不是这个工作具体做什么要一一列出来?

(4)我想fax比较快。If fax, do I need to fax over addiontional page with notes to explain the use of this document.

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作者:hahata (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2007-12-07 17:25:33  4楼
多谢! 我中午跑回家去查了一下,有封信,叫我把家庭成员CV补具体, it saysit says, " Kindly furnish us the detailed full curriculum vitae of your family members i.e. parents and siblings. The curriculum vitae should include information on their employment history, employers, designations, ranks and duties." fax or post within 2 weeks from the date of the letter. office hour 8am to 4pm Monday to Fridy. 但是我以前明明写了一页family CV,包括名字,关系,生日,单位,职务,联系电话。。。这些都不够吗? (1)我爸50多岁,要把他以前所有的工作简历都写下来吗? (2)我弟弟还在读书,要把以前学校名字都写下来吗? (3)designations + ranks + duties, 是不是这个工作具体做什么要一一列出来? (4)我想fax比较快。If fax, do I need to fax over addiontional page with notes to explain the use of this document.
我看了一下,my temp EP 前天就过期了!我是否要马上跑去ICA to extend it ???
如果我prepare family CV by next Monday or Tuesday, 他们还要花一段时间process我的application 对吗?
(1)大概还要多久?2 weeks? 1 mth?

我需要去malaysia 出差,用temp EP 可以出去吗?可以呆多久?


(2) To extendi EP, what kind of documents do I need to prepare?

Thank you!

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作者:hahata (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2007-12-07 17:32:56  5楼
我看了一下,my temp EP 前天就过期了!我是否要马上跑去ICA to extend it ???如果我prepare family CV by next Monday or Tuesday, 他们还要花一段时间process我的application 对吗? (1)大概还要多久?2 weeks? 1 mth? 我需要去malaysia 出差,用temp EP 可以出去吗?可以呆多久? 如果不可以,可不可以以这个情况催一催ICA? (2) To extendi EP, what kind of documents do I need to prepare? Thank you! c.y.
ICA 网站说 can travel within the process of PR application, 有人travel 过吗?
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作者:hahata (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2007-12-07 17:34:34  6楼
我看了一下,my temp EP 前天就过期了!我是否要马上跑去ICA to extend it ???如果我prepare family CV by next Monday or Tuesday, 他们还要花一段时间process我的application 对吗? (1)大概还要多久?2 weeks? 1 mth? 我需要去malaysia 出差,用temp EP 可以出去吗?可以呆多久? 如果不可以,可不可以以这个情况催一催ICA? (2) To extendi EP, what kind of documents do I need to prepare? Thank you! c.y.
有谁 extend 过 TEMP EP?
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2007-12-07 20:21:58  7楼 评分:
我看了一下,my temp EP 前天就过期了!我是否要马上跑去ICA to extend it ???如果我prepare family CV by next Monday or Tuesday, 他们还要花一段时间process我的application 对吗? (1)大概还要多久?2 weeks? 1 mth? 我需要去malaysia 出差,用temp EP 可以出去吗?可以呆多久? 如果不可以,可不可以以这个情况催一催ICA? (2) To extendi EP, what kind of documents do I need to prepare? Thank you! c.y.

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作者:123abcdefg (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:126) 发表:2007-12-07 20:53:55  8楼 评分:
我看了一下,my temp EP 前天就过期了!我是否要马上跑去ICA to extend it ???如果我prepare family CV by next Monday or Tuesday, 他们还要花一段时间process我的application 对吗? (1)大概还要多久?2 weeks? 1 mth? 我需要去malaysia 出差,用temp EP 可以出去吗?可以呆多久? 如果不可以,可不可以以这个情况催一催ICA? (2) To extendi EP, what kind of documents do I need to prepare? Thank you! c.y.
如果我prepare family CV by next Monday or Tuesday, 他们还要花一段时间process我的application 对吗?
(1)大概还要多久?2 weeks? 1 mth?


我需要去malaysia 出差,用temp EP 可以出去吗?可以呆多久?

temp EP 可以出去,但是出去之前先要去ica apply 一个multiple purpose visa (大概这样的名字),不然你就不可进入新加坡了.这个multiple purpose visa需要你的公司出一封信,说明你去马来西亚干什么,要多久. 当天就可以拿到这个visa


(2) To extendi EP, what kind of documents do I need to prepare?
extend temp EP,要你公司出一封证明你至今还是公司的职员就可以了.这个也是当天就可以搞到(其实只是在那张白色的temp EP 和护照上面盖个章)

还有你去办这个,可以不排队那queue number而是去queue number machine,选documantation那一项就可以了.queue number有两张纸的,记得都拿.

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作者:hahata (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2007-12-09 22:08:40  9楼
...你真是糊涂啊……这种事情早点就该办啦。明天赶紧去ICA吧,趁早。跟他们解释清楚,应该不会为难你。 CV简单写写就好了,很多细节不必要写。但是不要太简单了,否则你父母的履历还没有你复杂,那就让人无法相信了。
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作者:hahata (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2007-12-09 22:10:47  10楼
遭遇跟我有点像...........试着回答如果我prepare family CV by next Monday or Tuesday, 他们还要花一段时间process我的application 对吗? (1)大概还要多久?2 weeks? 1 mth? 时间很难说,但是你每天都可以打电话去check,电话网站上就有.不过要等很久,每次我打就把电话放在那边,大概十五分钟就有发应了~~~ 我需要去malaysia 出差,用temp EP 可以出去吗?可以呆多久? temp EP 可以出去,但是出去之前先要去ica apply 一个multiple purpose visa (大概这样的名字),不然你就不可进入新加坡了.这个multiple purpose visa需要你的公司出一封信,说明你去马来西亚干什么,要多久. 当天就可以拿到这个visa 如果不可以,可不可以以这个情况催一催ICA? 因为你可以申请那个visa所以就不可以以此催ICA了 (2) To extendi EP, what kind of documents do I need to prepare? extend temp EP,要你公司出一封证明你至今还是公司的职员就可以了.这个也是当天就可以搞到(其实只是在那张白色的temp EP 和护照上面盖个章) 还有你去办这个,可以不排队那queue number而是去queue number machine,选documantation那一项就可以了.queue number有两张纸的,记得都拿. 祝你好运!
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作者:hahata (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2007-12-10 21:40:15  11楼 评分:
A few Notes of SPR Applicants
1) Constantly check your mail box during the application process.

1) Prepare to extend your temp EP if you haven't received any news from ICA 2 weeks' before the expire date of your temp EP.

(This 2 weeks buffer time is for
a) you may not be available in Singapore, e.g. on leave, travelling on business trip elsewhere;
b) the HR staff may not be available (e.g. on leave), as you need one company letter from HR to approve you are still the employee of the same company.

3) If your temp EP is already expired, prepare an explanation letter with a valid reason, otherwise you will be fined (I was told so). But I do not know how much will be fined. And of course the same company letter is needed.

4) For SPR application, everything should be faxed to 6293 7091, where the SPR application office is located (on 5th floor of ICA building), attention to "Controller of Immigration Singapore"; NOT the fax number shown on ICA letter head or the ICA website "6298 0843 / 6298 0837". If you fax it to the wrong number, sometimes they will ask you to fax again.

5) Your family CV must include the employment history of your family members (parents and siblings), not only the current jobs. And it must include "employer, designation, rank and duty" (This is what I was asked to provide).

My experience:
1) I provide my family CV with necessary information together with the current job and position of family members. But later I was asked to provide a detailed employment history with "employer, designation, rank and duty". This request for addtional information could come to you very late. Mine one was issued just one week before my temp EP expired (all temp EP lasts 3 months I suppose).

2) Today I successfully extent my temp EP with another 3 months with a letter of explanation for the delay (coz my temp EP already expired 5 days ago) and a company letter. If you do not provide an explanation letter, they'll ask you to write one and go back to them again.

I wasn't fined. My PR application is still in process.

Lastly, thank 燕归来, 123abcdefg, and 香陵居士! Your information is very helpful. It saves me a lot of time and trouble.


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作者:spinach (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1960) 发表:2007-12-11 22:14:19  12楼
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作者:spinach (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1960) 发表:2007-12-11 22:15:40  13楼
我的Blog里有比较详细的介绍http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3d25f8bd01000any.html http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3d25f8bd01000bv7.html http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3d25f8bd01000c02.html
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作者:燕归来 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:461) 发表:2007-12-12 00:45:47  14楼
A few Notes of SPR Applicants1) Constantly check your mail box during the application process. 1) Prepare to extend your temp EP if you haven't received any news from ICA 2 weeks' before the expire date of your temp EP. (This 2 weeks buffer time is for a) you may not be available in Singapore, e.g. on leave, travelling on business trip elsewhere; b) the HR staff may not be available (e.g. on leave), as you need one company letter from HR to approve you are still the employee of the same company. 3) If your temp EP is already expired, prepare an explanation letter with a valid reason, otherwise you will be fined (I was told so). But I do not know how much will be fined. And of course the same company letter is needed. 4) For SPR application, everything should be faxed to 6293 7091, where the SPR application office is located (on 5th floor of ICA building), attention to "Controller of Immigration Singapore"; NOT the fax number shown on ICA letter head or the ICA website "6298 0843 / 6298 0837". If you (more...)
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