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作者:mayeve (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:295) 发表:2008-03-29 22:16:56  楼主  关注此帖
我是Engineering背景,有一年半工作经验,NUS master,

想进入银行,投资等finance有关的行业, 因为没有这方面的工作和学习经验,不知道该如何下手,盲目的投简历,就怕连HR那一关都过不了, 不知道有没有大虾可以指点一下,不介意从一些基本的做起.


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作者:EchoStar (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:92) 发表:2008-03-30 00:03:33  2楼 评分:
A good way maybe some relevant degree or certs
MFE/MBA will definitely help. Banking and finance is too broad, suggest you to study different job functions and see what you really want to do first. Once that is clear, you can choose the programs to study.
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作者:mayeve (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:295) 发表:2008-03-30 10:52:06  3楼
A good way maybe some relevant degree or certsMFE/MBA will definitely help. Banking and finance is too broad, suggest you to study different job functions and see what you really want to do first. Once that is clear, you can choose the programs to study.
不是没有clear的志向,只是知道自己现在没有什么基础,所以没有什么可以选择的, 能进入相关领域慢慢做起为主.

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作者:EchoStar (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:92) 发表:2008-03-30 23:32:55  4楼 评分:
The chance is relatively high
if you have a relevant degree (the campus recruitment organized by these schools also helps)

otherwise you may need to leverage on your personal networks and connections, or apply through standard recruitment channels. (newspapers, websites) both are not easy though.
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作者:mayeve (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:295) 发表:2008-03-31 08:39:47  5楼
The chance is relatively highif you have a relevant degree (the campus recruitment organized by these schools also helps) otherwise you may need to leverage on your personal networks and connections, or apply through standard recruitment channels. (newspapers, websites) both are not easy though.
Good Suggestion!
Yes, from campus recruitment will be easier. At least can have the chance to talk to the relative companies during the talk they are giving in school.

Thank you very much.

Besides, is anyone having the same background and entering the finance area successfully? Could you share some experience?

Thank you very much.


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