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consultingÊǸöÌýÆðÀ´ºÜÃÀµÄ¹¤×÷not sure if it is as challenging and interesting as being advertised, esp. after doing it for a while ¹¤×÷ÐÔÖʺÍʱ¼ä±È½ÏÊʺϵ¥ÉíÈËÊ¿£¬Èç¹ûËãhourly rate£¬×¬µÄÆäʵ²»¶à case interviewÔÚÃæÊÔÀï±Ø²»¿ÉÉÙ£¬¿ÉÒÔgoogle³öÒ»´ó¶Ñ×¼±¸²ÄÁÏ£¬BCGÍøÕ¾ÉϵÄ×î¾­µä
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very insightfulIndeed, the answer to "Where to Go" very much depends on one's level of experience. As in many other industries, senior people usually have more and better choices since they have already proven themselves. (Of course whether they can succeed is another matter, but we do see good examples to follow - 51Jobs as a start-up, or Sun as an incumbent) Just one thing -- for life style, I'm not sure about the point that general management has a better work/life balance comparing to these professional service roles. After all, general management is also about providing professional service to the owners of the company. More over, while consultants can settle with big strategy blueprints, the tougher part of execution is shouldered by the client company's management. Presumably the job is tougher, the stake is bigger, and the pressure is higher. Sure enough, the question of "What to do after partner" is far-fetched to the most. The more immediate question is what is a good exit for a less experienced (more...)
My sincere invitation for you to beome one of the speakers on Sep 20 :)
Please do come and do not worry about other things, thanks!
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