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作者:Aprilbooks09 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:239) 发表:2009-05-06 11:11:13  48楼 
每个人都有自己的世界观若硬是要强加给别人就不对了, 不管楼主还是那些批评换国籍的人都一样。 不管怎样, 只要自己不违背自己的良心, 过了自己这关才是最重要, 其他人的看法则是次要。 大家讨论这个话题实在没有意义。
Personally, if I were to take the oath, I want myself to mean it. But I understand ppl give up China nationality for some practical reasons, like visa. Being a traveller myself, I understand the frustration of being required visa almost everywhere we go. and that costs us some opportunities at work. But I'd rather work harder to prove that I am an indispensable employee, so that my employer/clients would be willing to go through all these troubles to apply visa for me.That being said, I wouldn't see people who change their nationality differently. It's their choices. The one thing that the island country has taught me is being tolerant of different opinions and believes.
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