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作者:tusp1 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:40) 发表:2009-08-22 22:49:10  18楼 
some negative comments from the readers.------------------------ imcbsg said... it is wierd feeling to read your blog as an ex-student of yours. first time when I heard about you becoming a taxi driver, I flashed back the comments and hard time you gave me, sigh, and asked have you ever thinking about what you can give to others to make life easier? or at least in a more pleasant way? I complain IMCB is far away from a good place for scientific work (research work, maybe), not for professors like you, or students like me. bosses are bosses but not mentors, the training system is like nothing at all... after complaining, I feel confused since I just started my career here, a NUS PhD must be even much cheaper than a Stanford one, right? and scientific field here fits me or I fits here or not? with own family and a baby, I keep talking to myself that I should wake up and try to work for boss to please him for hopeless promotion or (more...)
Reply to these negative comments
August 20, 2009 10:56 PM
lao said...
Imcbsg: 一个忘恩负义的小人。当年若不是蔡博士收留你,你会来到新加坡?会有今日
祝 平安,保重。
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