A Few Visual C++ Engineers Wanted(Permanent position)
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作者:duncan1201 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:80) 发表:2010-02-17 16:19:35  楼主  关注此帖
A Few Visual C++ Engineers Wanted(Permanent position)
Visual C++ Engineers Wanted(Permanent position)

Life Technologies(NASDAQ: LIFE www.lifetechnologies.com) is a global biotechnology tools company that provides instruments,
consumables and services to researchers worldwide.

The singapore operations is hiring a few software engineers with:

Visual C++ skills(at least one year experience required)
A degree in science or engineering(required)
Able to speak/write English(required)
Windows development is a plus
Bio science background is a plus

Open to all nationalities.

Don't hesitate. Please send you resume to liaod1@lifetech.com now.
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