A-star 下研究所一名中国博后跳楼自杀
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作者:ee (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:208) 发表:2010-09-01 12:22:53  16楼 
The profile of the boss. Can get from google ALL | ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ Yijun RUAN, Ph.D. Senior Group Leader Assoc Director, Genomic Technologies ruanyj@gis.a-star.edu.sg RESEARCH FOCUS My primary interest is to elucidate the structures and dynamics of all functional DNA elements in complex genomes through transcriptome characterizations and genome interrogation. To facilitate such understanding we have developed paired-end-ditag (PET) based high throughput and high precision DNA sequencing and mapping methodologies. We are applying these sequencing-based measurements to address complex biological questions such as how cancer cells progress and how stem cells maintain their unique properties. Another major interest of mine is to discover previously uncharacterized microbial genes and genomes that are relevant to human health. To this end, we have established a metagenome analysis capability that includes a filtration system for isolating uncultu (more...)
GIS 整个所捐了2000多块钱, 唉
看来那个老板一点愧疚都没有啊. 我们不少人都捐了50, 100的. 他看来顶多也就这个数了. 他每月工资可是好几万呢.
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