这个妹妹 我上来纠正你一下对于这个保险 PRE-EXISTING ILLNESS 的认识
还是要跟MANGO 姐姐一样抱低低的EXPECTATION 至少可以CLAIM 意外,其他可以索赔的是BONUS,总体说来 有得保比没的保的好,可以你一定要MAKE SURE 自己的父母不是下列LISTED OUT 的 PRE-EXISITNG ILLNESS , 不是5年不CLAIM 就解决你的问题了,你父母这5年都不能去进行跟原有疾病的咨询,而且还有LISTED OUT 的PRE- EXISITNG 是PERMENANT EXCLUDED 的, 父母原来有疾病的要在新加坡呆还想保险COVER 这个原来有的, 那简直是不可能的, 保险公司不是慈善机构, 这个是我常说的话。不然很多人没读CONTRACT 就按自己的理解买了保险, 到时候索赔不到 就开始抱怨AGENT. 不过只有AVIVA 允许你入保 如果你父母已经有PRE-EXISTING 了, 只是不COVER PRE-EXISITNG 而已, 就一家的选择了。AVIVA 还是很大方的。 其他公司都躲PRE-EXISITNG ILLNESS 的人远远的, 免得麻烦。我记得以前还有人告诉我TM ASIA LIFE 不好, 是因为那家不COVER 7 岁之前的 啥天生病, 如果你们知道那家保险公司COVER 天生的疾病的, 记得上来通知我,那真是保险公司变成慈善机构了。
Pre-Existing Conditions are excluded under this Policy unless\n(i) if You have chosen the Full Medical Underwriting Option, the Pre-Existing Condition has been declared by You and specifically accepted\nby Us in writing to be covered under the Policy;
(ii) if You have chosen the Moratorium Underwriting Option, during the period of 5 years’ continuous insurance from the date of commencement\nof cover or the date of the last reinstatement or the date of Upgrade, whichever is later, under the Policy, the Insured Person has not, in\nrelation to a Pre-Exisiting Condition:\n- experienced symptoms;\n- sought advice or tests from a Physician, a Specialist or Alternative Medicine Provider (including checkups for that Pre-Existing Condition);\n- required treatment or medication; or\n- received treatment or medication\nin which case, We will cover the Pre-Existing Condition under the Policy. This 5-year period is known as the Moratorium. If an Insured Person\nhas experienced any of the above during the Moratorium period, then that particular Pre-Existing Condition shall be permanently excluded\nfrom the Policy.\n\n\n
For the avoidance of doubt, the Moratorium will not apply to the following list of Pre-Existing Conditions and these Pre-Existing Conditions shall be permanently excluded under the Policy if You have selected Moratorium Underwriting:
\n- Heart attack, heart bypass, angioplasty\n- Chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic cor pulmonale, pulmonary hypertension\n- Stroke\n- Liver cirrhosis\n- Paralysis\n- Osteoporosis\n- AIDS or HIV infection\n- Thalassaemia Intermediate/Major\n- Diabetes with complications such as protein in urine or eye problem\n- Kidney failure\n- Organ transplantation\n- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)\n- Muscular dystrophy\n- Multiple sclerosis\n- Alzheimer’s disease\n- Dementia\n- Any form of Cancer (other than skin cancer)\n- Autism\n(b) entire period of hospitalisation if admission to Hospital is before the Policy Commencement Date;\n(c) overseas medical treatment other than Inpatient Medical Complaint outside Singapore as covered under MyShield;\n(d) any transport trips to obtain medical treatment;\n(e) private nursiing charges/services;\n(f) routine medical examination or check-ups, elective cosmetic treatments, vaccination;\n(g) congenital anomalies or birth defects, hereditary conditions except as provided for and covered under Inpatient Congenital Anomalies benefit\nunder MyShield;\n(h) pregnancy or childbirth, except as provided for and covered under Inpatient Pregnancy Complications benefit under MyShield; self-inflicted\ninjuries, suicide, abuse of alcohol, drug addiction;\n(i) sexually transmitted diseases and any treatment or test in connection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and all HIV infectionrelated\nconditions or diseases, except HIV infection acquired through blood transfusion in Singapore or HIV acquired while performing regular\nprofessional duties in a medical profession in Singapore;\n(j) hazardous sports or activity;\n(k) war and terrorism;\n(l) mental illness or personality disorder except as provided for and covered under Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment benefit under MyShield;\n(m) experimental or pioneering medical and surgical techniques not commonly available or not approved by MOH.