肥水不流外人田,公司项目招人 - Opentext Livelink Workflow Developer
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作者:darkrekcus (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:53) 发表:2011-10-06 01:04:41  楼主  关注此帖评分:
肥水不流外人田,公司项目招人 - Opentext Livelink Workflow Developer
公司现在需要一个有Opentext Livelink 经验的developer. 在我去外面找之前,先来华新post 一下。详情见下:

Job Description:

Job Title: Opentext Livelink Developer

Company: MNC (Europe)

Job Scope:

- Design, Build and Maintain an Opentext Livelink workflow system
- Perform the System Integration Test and Support for User Acceptance Test

Experience Requirements:
- Must have Minimum 2 year experience with OpenText Livelink
- Must have Minimum 2 year experience with OpenText Livelink Builder and Oscripting
- Must have Experience with OpenText Livelink workflows – forms creation, workflow map design
- Must have Experience with HTML, JavaScript, AJAX for web based application programming
- Must have Knowledge with Database and SQL
- Experience with SAP and J2EE will provide added advantage
- Minimal Diploma with IT background

Other Requirements:
- The candidate must be a teamplayer with positive attitude, self motivated.
- Good working and learning spirit. Must be willing to learn new skills
- Language: English
- Prefer Citizen/PR, but foreigner can consider

Employment Type:
- 6 months renewable / convertible contract

- Singapore

Interested candidate, please send your CV (MS Word format) to muziwenwu@hotmail.com with email subject “Apply for OpenText Developer”. Only the shortlisted candidate will be contacted.
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作者:darkrekcus (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:53) 发表:2011-10-06 01:16:32  2楼
肥水不流外人田,公司项目招人 - Opentext Livelink Workflow Developer公司现在需要一个有Opentext Livelink 经验的developer. 在我去外面找之前,先来华新post 一下。详情见下: Job Description: Job Title: Opentext Livelink Developer Company: MNC (Europe) Job Scope: - Design, Build and Maintain an Opentext Livelink workflow system - Perform the System Integration Test and Support for User Acceptance Test Experience Requirements: - Must have Minimum 2 year experience with OpenText Livelink - Must have Minimum 2 year experience with OpenText Livelink Builder and Oscripting - Must have Experience with OpenText Livelink workflows – forms creation, workflow map design - Must have Experience with HTML, JavaScript, AJAX for web based application programming - Must have Knowledge with Database and SQL - Experience with SAP and J2EE will provide added advantage Education: - Minimal Diploma with IT background Other Requirements: - The candidate must be a teamplayer with positive attitude, self motivated. - Good workin (more...)
- 这次我们项目招6个月contract主要是觉得这样可以用这6个月检验员工的素质和工作态度,6个月不算长,如果你工作表现好,合同完了有机会转成正式员工。
- 我们算项目直接招人,所以是我们自己的budget。没有经过中介,所以不会压你薪水。通过中介的他们会抽佣,大家都知道羊毛出在羊身上的道理。这方面我就不多说了。
- Opentext livelink 的市场比什么java, .net 要好。因为这是比较junior的level, 所以会有人一开始带你。也算给你个机会学新东西。所以工作态度学习态度很重要。
- 最后一点,项目经理也是中国人,我觉得也比较重要。=)

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作者:darkrekcus (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:53) 发表:2011-10-06 12:09:42  3楼
只有asp.net, SQL 经验,可以吗?
因为如果没有一点Livelink的经验和知识的话, 那些Senior需要多花几倍的时间带你. 他们也有自己的东西要做的,这样对他们也不公平. 而且你会压力很大.我们也不想到时候Overstress你 对不对?
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作者:darkrekcus (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:53) 发表:2011-10-28 00:04:17  4楼
没有 Opentext Livelink 经验的行不行,但是肯学,有基础其他的我都有经验,但是只有 OpenText Livelink 不熟,但本人肯学,学得不慢,有机会吗?不是大学毕业的但是有9年工作经验。
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作者:darkrekcus (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:53) 发表:2011-10-31 21:59:59  5楼
初级职位我不介意,提升机会比较重要我是diploma of info-comm 毕业的,在一间公司一干就是9年,这9年里什么都做,刚刚才辞职,闲着也是闲着,这次希望可以学到新的知识,认识新的人,我自己本身业余时间也喜欢搞搞e-commerce一类的。不知道你们公司的提升机会高不高?在哪儿个区?
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