马上风向又要变了啊,坡政府是越来越逆天了,9月要出新规定了。。。The changes, from 1 September 2012 are as follows:
S Pass and Employment Pass (EP) holders need to earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $4,000 to sponsor the stay of their spouses and children here.
P1 Pass holders will no longer be able to bring in their parents-in-law. They may still bring in their parents, spouses and children.
P2 Pass holders will no longer be able to bring in their parents or parents-in-law. They may still bring in their spouses and children.
4000月薪以下的以后只能孤身一个人在坡县奋斗了。。。如果老婆孩子或者老公还没有申请DEPENDENT PASS的抓紧的,9月以后就拿不到了。