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作者:clec16a (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:22) 发表:2016-04-20 19:20:12  楼主  关注此帖
Postdoctoral and Technician Positions in the Dinshaw J. Patel lab
in the Department of Biology, SUSTC, Shenzhen.

Dinshaw J. Patel is a member of the United States National Academy of
Sciences. The Patel structural biology lab is set to open on March 1, 2016
in the Department of Biology at the South University of Science and
Technology of China (SUSTC) in Shenzhen. SUSTC, located in picturesque and
environmentally healthy Shenzhen, is a new University that aims to become a
world-leader in Sciences and Engineering. The structural biology component
of the program consists of innovative, vibrant, and interactive research
groups supported by state-of-the-art newly set up biochemical, molecular
biology and structural core facilities.

Three postdoctoral and three technician positions are open in the Patel lab
at SUSTC. The Patel lab applies structural biology approaches (currently x-
ray and NMR, as well as cryoEM in the future) to study various aspects of
RNA structure and catalysis, RNA interference mediated pathways, histone and
DNA mediated epigenetic regulation, and cytoplasmic DNA sensors mediating
the interferon response.
Please visit http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/10829.cfm for more information on the current research in the Patel lab.

Postdoctoral Position Description:
1. The postdoctoral candidate must be highly motivated, hard-working and
open to exploring new areas of science.
2. The candidate must be willing to work independently and efficiently, with
good work ethics and teamwork spirit.
3. The candidate must be willing to work closely with members of
collaborative labs on joint projects.

Postdoctoral Position Qualifications:
1. The postdoctoral candidate should hold a PhD degree in the life sciences.
2. The candidate should have solid experience in biochemistry, molecular/
cell biology, and importantly x-ray crystallography and/or preferably cryoEM.
3. The candidate should have a strong publication record in international
peer-reviewed journals.
4. The candidate should have excellent speaking, reading and writing skills
in English and Chinese along with good communication and interpersonal

Technician Position Description:
1. The technician candidate must be highly motivated, hard-working and open
to exploring new areas of science.
2. The candidate must be willing to work efficiently under supervision, with
good work ethics and teamwork spirit.
3. The candidate will also participate in common lab responsibilities
including basic molecular biology experiments and the maintenance of lab

Technician Position Qualifications:
1. The technician candidate should hold a Masters degree in the life
2. The candidate should have solid experience in biochemistry and molecular/
cell biology, with emphasis on protein expression (from E. coli and insect
cells) and purification.
3. The candidate should have a working knowledge of English and Chinese,
along with good communication and interpersonal skills.

The candidate will be offered an attractive salary and benefits package that
will be dependent on experience.

To Apply:
For postdoctoral positions, please send your CV (should include research
accomplishments and interests, as well as list of publications) and three
signed letters of recommendation on Institutional letterhead (in English and
to be sent directly) to Sis Li at liss6@sustc.edu.cn. For technician
positions, Please send your CV and two letters of recommendation (in English
and to be sent directly) to Sis Li at liss6@sustc.edu.cn. The positions
will remain open until filled.
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