有人听说过 Jardine(怡和洋行) 和它的 management trainee programme 嘛?看公司介绍,觉得是个巨无霸公司,但不清楚公司前景怎么样?
怡和洋行(英语:Jardine Matheson,SGX:J36,LSE:JAR)是最著名的一家老牌英资洋行,远东最大的英资财团,清朝时即从事与中国贸易。洋行对香港早年发展有举足轻重的作用,亦是首家在上海开设的欧洲公司,和首家在日本成立的外国公司。
见链接. 不知道你去哪一块
香港四大洋行中仅存的仍然由英资控股的. 97回归前迁离香港. 香港主要生意是通过香港置地控制的中环多处办公楼. 新加坡的有Cycle & Carrige(汽车销售),文华东方酒店,牛奶公司控制的各零售店如cold storage, giant, guardian. 家族通过交叉控股控制各公司,因此外界很难插手和影响,稳如泰山. 旧式管理风格浓厚. 公司近年来想重返中国.
Key points:
“Current and former Jardines employees say that while the pay is good, it does not compare with the salaries paid to investment bankers and management consultants. But over a career they move relatively freely between Jardines’ companies, forming a tight-knit group that ensures continuity and control.”
Key points:
“Current and former Jardines employees say that while the pay is good, it does not compare with the salaries paid to investment bankers and management consultants. But over a career they move relatively freely between Jardines’ companies, forming a tight-knit group that ensures continuity and control.”