how can I apply for this intern post?
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作者:curiocity (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:5) 发表:2017-06-14 16:04:18  楼主  关注此帖
各位大大赏脸,借华新宝地帮初创公司招一个Marketing InternTitle: Marketing Intern  Department: Marketing and  Sales Report to: Sales and marketing manager and Business Development Manager  Position Purpose: Learn and apply marketing strategy for promoting company mobile app  Salary: SGD 800 per month Duration: 2 month Job Requirements Skills: - Finished or at least currently in first year of Poly or JC  - On in written and oral English  - On a marketing track is preferred, other business track also welcome Essential Functions Responsibilities:  Learn practical applications of marketing concepts and processes  Promote the mobile app in different method  Assist the marketing manager in other tasks as assign company info : curiocity sg (more...)
how can I apply for this intern post?
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