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作者:baronbaron (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:604) 发表:2019-04-11 17:57:36  楼主  关注此帖
朋友公司招IT 架构师 有兴趣的帅哥美女请私信我朋友公司是家石油海运公司,现在急招一名IT架构师,待遇丰厚。下面是JOB AD。 有兴趣的朋友请私信我。  Responsibilities .Design B2B E-Commence Web Applicaiton using custting age technologies. .Work closely with product manager to understand requirement and develop the system architecture,technical specification documentation,participate in product implementation,testing and quality assurance process. .Leading developer team on the e-commerce solution implmentation and testing. .Lead Development team .Opportunity to learn new skill and work with cutting-edge technologies in an orgranization with serveral growth opportunities. .To be mentor of dev team. .To be member of solution architect committee(SAC) Qualitfication And Experience Required .Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Engineering or other relevant qualifications. .String knowledge on the internet/b2b app solution design ,broad knowledge of popular B2B e-commence design architecture, at least 3 years's ind (more...)
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