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作者:楚晚照 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:12) 发表:2020-11-08 08:42:13  楼主  关注此帖
一家中国公司招聘行政助理一家中国公司招聘行政助理,市区上班,PR和公民,有意者,请发简历至jessie.wanglu@gmail.com Responsibilities: - Coordinate meeting and book meeting room, venues and conference call facilities and organize catering as required - Coordinate and organize logistics for meetings and events - Manage travel arrangement such as flight schedules, visas application, transportation and accommodation. - Manage and maintain the company’s insurance – Car Insurance/ Office Care/ Travel Insurance and etc. - Prepare, update, maintain and file all admin related documents - Process the expense reimbursement (credit card and cash) - Handle external and internal communications - Purchase and maintain inventory of office equipment and facilities - Handle all outgoing courier service and incoming mails/ courier services - Oversee all administrative tasks such as general office housekeeping, stationary requisition and managing office assets list - Participate in planning company activities such as te (more...)
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