财版聚会通知更新Sounds like few people will come…
小蹦, hp:97603825
Since only few of us, we could find a nearby place to drink. How about HOLLAND Village? We could meet at Bonavista MRT first and then find a drink place at Holland Village...
I prefer 13:30pm meet at Bonavista MRT and then move to Holland Village at 13:50pm (only wait for 20mins). If you are late, you could call my Hp 91478631…
Others interested could joint us at any time, all are welcome….
By the way, to CFA, found some interesting in yesterday’s news paper recruitment. Please take a note.
天下英雄, 忠直豪杰言无隐, 志垂日月保江山,
古今八风吹不动天地月, 改尽这江山昔旧,
自古人生谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。