corp finance
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作者:邓可 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1915) 发表:2005-12-21 13:39:32  楼主  关注此帖
Front office salary suvery Singapore see the reports Front Office salary table 2004 Base only!!! Years Experience Salary S$’000/yr CORPORATE FINANCE 1–3 55–100 3–5 80–170 5–7 130–200 7+ 180+ DIRECT INVESTMENT 1–3 45–80 3–5 70–120 5–7 100–170 7+ 150+ PROJECT FINANCE 1–3 45–90 3–5 70–120 5–7 100–170 7+ 150+ STRUCTURED FINANCE 1–3 45–90 3–5 70–120 5–7 110–170 7+ 150+ FIXED INCOME RESEARCH 1–3 45–90 3–5 80–150 5–7 110–180 EQUITY RESEARCH 1–3 60–100 3–5 80–150 5–7 120–180 7+ 160+ CREDIT 1–3 45–90 3–5 80–130 5–7 120–200 7+ 160+ RISK MANAGEMENT 1–3 45–90 3–5 90–130 5–7 130–150
corp finance
it seems to me i am remunerated at half of the market rate..
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作者:邓可 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1915) 发表:2005-12-23 15:39:58  2楼
I believe the rate is rather accurate,but the reason most of us feel overstated is that we are paid as undergraduate. I do see people taken much higher pay. so the average should be true. hehe...heard one of professor moved to the banking indurstry with starting salary like 100k++(USD)...hehe...still could classified as 1-3 years. And some Master Students did get a better pay. anyway, if you feel you are underpaied, just need to make a noise to your boss, see whether he fire your or you fire him...hahaha... even at underpaid rate, the amount is enough for you to enjoy life lah....
life is a struggle
but i enjoy struggling
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