推荐一只股票First Engineering(Yahoo symb:F09.SI)
Current P/E: 6~7x
Current P/B: 1.3~1.4x
bk value:0.56
Current Price: 0.77~0.805
Forcast P/E: 15x
Forcast Price: 2.2~4.4
Employee stock option exercise price = 1.04,最近的到2009,管理层不会让股价低过1.04的。
预测价格用discount free cash flow methods,假设基于增长为10%-15%,时间为3年。实际其增长3年平均为22%,最近一个FY 25%。以上预测价格还是一个保守估计。
what u's required return rate, g, ROE?
just curious.
first, 10% and 15% growth rates have different target price.
P/E 15 is this justified?
think u need understand their business better be4 come out modeling.
first, 10% and 15% growth rates have different target price.
P/E 15 is this justified?
think u need understand their business better be4 come out modeling.