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作者:跳投为主 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:29) 发表:2007-02-07 15:17:53  58楼 
Level 1 2007 Notes看来2007 的和2006 的有很多不同的地方, 有谁有2007 的卖?请联系liaoyunhe@hotmail.com 或 96724172
Share 2007 Schweser's study notes for 2007 level I
Trying to find somebody to share the cost of Schwesser's study notes for Level I 2007.

Already have one person willing to share. If can find 4 persons, each one will only cost about 100U$ and i will go for it.

contact: liaoyunhe@hotmail.com hp: 96724172
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