Buy up 的就是你啊
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作者:福福 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:743) 发表:2007-03-05 14:59:15  楼主  关注此帖
bought some zpp+ @ 23.for two reasons, 1) recommended by BeiJinTime. 2) its near the bottom of the 22cents break up. As long as the break up is true, 22cents should be well holded. Therefore, my cut loss bottomline is at 21 cents. Queuing for SSH at 22.5 cents. For a fundemental play.
Buy up 的就是你啊
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作者:福福 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:743) 发表:2007-03-06 09:42:14  2楼
抱歉了各位.由于反弹利度极弱...............由于今天港股反弹力度极弱.故预测不成功. 兑现承诺..........
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