1. 美国经济极度依赖消费,消费总额占GDP的71%
2. 从2005年起美国的储蓄率是负的。上一次出现负储蓄率是1933年大萧条。这说明整个美国社会花的比挣的多。
3. 贸易逆差相当于GDP的6%
4. 中国现在的顺差占GDP大概7%。打个比方,中国一共制造了100元的东西,净出口了7元。于是国内只有价值93元的货物和100元的货币。
1. 美国消费者透支消费,大量购买中国的出口产品。
2. 中国企业出口货物,收入美元。但是美元不能在中国流通,只能通过央行换成人民币。所以市场上货币供应大于实物供应,加上热钱流入,自然就造成了资产泡沫。
3. 中国央行用大部分换来的美元,购买美国国债作为外汇贮备,同时保持美元汇率的稳定。其实,按照美国发外债的速度和贸易逆差,美元没有贬值的唯一原因就是亚洲国家和中东产油国把很大一部分美元以购买美国国债的形式返回到美国了。
很多年以前就有经济学家说这种不平衡是不能持久的。但是,这么多年了都没事,我们可以高枕无 (more...)
According to most recent data, American economy remains stable. Initially, Wall Street expects Fed to lower interest rate in order to boost flagging GDP growth shown in previous quater. However, the newest figures indicate that the impact of the housing market slump is limited, as consumer expediture and confidence index are both healthy. Capital investment is increasing, while company inventory sees a decrease in recent month. The forementioned factors lead to recent Fed chairman's remark on inflation concerns, which trigered a fall in DJ (though DJ remains strong afterward and reached historic high). Afterall, the core CPI of last month is 2.3%, a tad higher than Fed's confort zone of 1.5-2%. Now an increase of interest rate later this year is widely expected, supported by increase in yield of treasury bond.
Of course, increase in US interest rate may not lead to a stronger greenback, as EU and China are also facing incremental inflation presure.
On the other hand, the loosening control over RMB by China Government is not a bad thing. A floating exchange rate is more capable of curbing inflation, especially for China which has large trade surplus.
Of course, increase in US interest rate may not lead to a stronger greenback, as EU and China are also facing incremental inflation presure.
On the other hand, the loosening control over RMB by China Government is not a bad thing. A floating exchange rate is more capable of curbing inflation, especially for China which has large trade surplus.