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作者:枫叶雨叶 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1018) 发表:2007-07-01 22:53:16  楼主  关注此帖
去玩之前,提醒一下,这个股要彪了The Company was incorporated on 14 July 2005 under the name of Cougar Corporation Private Limited. The Company was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore Shipping Corporation Limited ("SSC"). The Company assumed its present name on 12 September 2005 upon the completion of the Restructuring Exercise in SSC. Cougar Logistics is a Singapore-based group. The Group engages principally in the provision of warehousing, logistics, agency and terminal operations services. The Group provides services such as freight forwarding, general warehousing and regional distribution services, warehouse management, international shipping, car freighter services, and the transportation of plant and project cargo and specialise in the transportation and storage of automotive parts, office machines and equipment, consumer electronics, and wines and spirits. The Group manages approximately 2.4 million sq ft of warehousing space located in Singapore and Malaysia. The warehousing facilities managed in (more...)
风声雨声炒股声,声声入耳; 枫叶雨叶华新叶,叶叶知秋。
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