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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 11:11:54  楼主  关注此帖
自己对自己的资本负责! speculatist.blogspot.com
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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 11:12:13  2楼
it's not only abt liquidity now.
what's more? please share...
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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 11:28:05  3楼
more通货膨胀之忧: cpi +0.1%, core +0.2% 烫手山芋无人接手之忧: previously risky-assets were under-priced, but now no buyers at all! Not even a price can be set. What you can do is just watching the spread shoot up. 房价之忧: 美房价再滑1.5%, SUB-PRIME 阴影更严重 油价上涨之忧: 美库存减少, 能源资源成本上涨之担心益盛 现在的问题是全球交易基本没人在看基本面了,都心乱了. SUB-PRIME 高度敏感,听到就恐慌, 而显然还会有其他相关的坏消息浮出水面.. 下面就等失业率数字看怎样了...
第一条不算阿.Core inflation is in check. not big worry.
关于risky assets under-pricing? what do you mean? I think they were overpricing, so not the world are dumping risky assets and fly to safer assets.

housing down another 1.5% can i have the full news ? thanks!

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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 11:36:36  4楼
为何大资本如此脆弱? 一个subprime全趴下了?
subprime是underlying,真正杀手是derivatives whose underlying is
based on those subprime.

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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 11:38:03  5楼
what's more? please share...
在metal市场。镍从55000跌倒26000,如果long future德人,破产就在眼前。
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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 11:44:53  6楼
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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 11:50:41  7楼
哈哈 几个月够长了吧anyway, recent drop more abt speculators squaring positions rather than stainless destocking. endless madness..shit
嗯。我不认为这个和stock market有什么关系。但是


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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 11:52:08  8楼
yep. Those derivatives are normally CDOs and CLOs,according to one senior banker, these instruments can easily leverage the sub-prime underlying 7-20 times! I would be more interested to find out how the mechanism works! If any of you have the details, kindly share :)
er...kindly refer to details in CFA level 2 text books ...
they are all there, isn't it ?:)
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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 12:14:26  9楼
CDO & CLO itself doesnot give leverage, if I remember correctly?I remember CDO is about multiple tranches of the pool of debt obligations being rated differently from high to low and the re-payment of interests/principle use waterfall method. How does the leverage step in?
how leverage comes in? based on one pool of mortgages
assuming bank A, it give money to some poor credit people .

they use this mortgage to sell CDO, then they get money back in (proceeds of cdo sales)

they use the new proceeds to issue more mortgage, and use new mortage to issue cdo,

they have new proceeds,

so the whole process, you can see, nothing is really created , i.e. no real values there, but the money is more and more created, why?

root of all,

they securitized "CREDIT". credit , previously was some virtual invisible stuff, now become the real money, they are now same as the house, the factory, the gold, they can sell for money.

Use Credit to get money,


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作者:speculatist (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2182) 发表:2007-08-16 12:40:09  10楼
问得很好,顺便具体回答一下我是本着不相信分析师报告的情绪,作后向测试的。方法很简单,我把早报/我报介绍的那种很简单报告集中起来(不是发给用户的较详细报告),80多只吧,时间是测试日之前6-12月的。对每份报告我都调出K线图来看,主要看下面几点: 1〕报告出炉几天前股价的变动。因为肯定有人先知道报告内容,我要看看本地人的偷跑如何,有多少是好消息面一出就借机会溜走的。 2〕多少天后达到预测目标价位? 3)又超过目标价多少,由此我大概了解分析师为保护自己留了多少余两 4〕之间有没有什么突发事件,是如何影响走势的 5〕达不到目标价的百分比?离目标价差多少?这是为我自己今后如果看分析师报告是,知道应留多少空间。 6〕哪间分析行的报告最准确。 以上这些工作花了不少时间,只作了一次。心里大概有数了,结论是,至少在牛市中期,听分析师报告基本没错。

其实有些事情,甚至是market view / market FEEL,如果功课做足,把自己沉浸在里面,也是很能感觉得到的。

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