more通货膨胀之忧: cpi +0.1%, core +0.2%
烫手山芋无人接手之忧: previously risky-assets were under-priced, but now no buyers at all! Not even a price can be set. What you can do is just watching the spread shoot up.
房价之忧: 美房价再滑1.5%, SUB-PRIME 阴影更严重
油价上涨之忧: 美库存减少, 能源资源成本上涨之担心益盛
现在的问题是全球交易基本没人在看基本面了,都心乱了. SUB-PRIME 高度敏感,听到就恐慌, 而显然还会有其他相关的坏消息浮出水面..
CDO & CLO itself doesnot give leverage, if I remember correctly?I remember CDO is about multiple tranches of the pool of debt obligations being rated differently from high to low and the re-payment of interests/principle use waterfall method.
How does the leverage step in?
maybe a large size fund concentrate their risks in one small size cdo?
say, 100m fund, 99m was safe, all the risk was in the last 1m tranche.I am not sure