挺担心新加坡,主要是新加坡通过汇率来调控通货膨胀。这次的高过预期的通胀我觉得主要还是资产通胀导致 租金人工上涨引起的,政府一味通过汇率调控药是下错了,而且会影响出口,但是出现高过预期的通胀率导致MAS必须有所行动,否则就是失职。
1。他的比喻简单易懂, 不过,太简单了以至于以偏概全。 但是,对于资本流通的重要性解释的不错。
2。这个人太共产了。其实,与其说美国帝国主义, 煽动, 吸血。。等等, 不如说,作者更能煽动, 不然有写字的时间,他怎么不捐钱给那些被吸血的农民呢? 我觉得,共产,停留在经济层面上讨论就好了。要参与国际资本经济的大家庭,就要遵守规则,不然就会到闭关自守了。 所以,此作者在我眼里是没有道德的。
3。 他的建议,和对政策的分析还有些道理。不过,纸上谈兵最终效果如何,没人知道。(道理,谁都懂,不过最后怎样? 看看历史就知道了)
talking back to SG, i think that the existing policy is a very suitable one for singapore itself. but at this point in time, this is not effective as usual, as it always make a trade-off btw the export and inflation. so there must be some complementary policies to curb the inflation. now have already a few rules to cool the property market. this is good. but for other sectors, we haven't seen any action. you know they tend to blame the commodity price surge if they run out of ideas.
2。这个人太共产了。其实,与其说美国帝国主义, 煽动, 吸血。。等等, 不如说,作者更能煽动, 不然有写字的时间,他怎么不捐钱给那些被吸血的农民呢? 我觉得,共产,停留在经济层面上讨论就好了。要参与国际资本经济的大家庭,就要遵守规则,不然就会到闭关自守了。 所以,此作者在我眼里是没有道德的。
3。 他的建议,和对政策的分析还有些道理。不过,纸上谈兵最终效果如何,没人知道。(道理,谁都懂,不过最后怎样? 看看历史就知道了)
talking back to SG, i think that the existing policy is a very suitable one for singapore itself. but at this point in time, this is not effective as usual, as it always make a trade-off btw the export and inflation. so there must be some complementary policies to curb the inflation. now have already a few rules to cool the property market. this is good. but for other sectors, we haven't seen any action. you know they tend to blame the commodity price surge if they run out of ideas.