我来给你算笔帐如果你贷款 80% 就是50 万, 分40 年还 (最多),利率 4%(最少, CONDO), 月供2100, 如果你工资 3999, 每个月拿回家 的就是 3200
这是最保守的估计, 你的月供到了你收入的 65%, 证明你是神人, 有眼光有魄力。
It is possible to afford this condo if his salary is $3999.
He can pay his installment using cash+CPF(~$800+), thus he pays cash $1300 every month. But in condo, some extra cost exists, such as maintenance fee varying from $200 plus to $400 per month. Anyway, quite tight life with such a salary. Very daring.
He can pay his installment using cash+CPF(~$800+), thus he pays cash $1300 every month. But in condo, some extra cost exists, such as maintenance fee varying from $200 plus to $400 per month. Anyway, quite tight life with such a salary. Very daring.