But, one thing I don't understand, PE generally invest in unlisted company.
In the case of XMH, not sure how long they will stay, and how they will exit?
周五刚发布利好消息,1Q2014 net profit up 22.7% to 2.7 million, 不过revenue和gross profit都下降了,貌似主营业务的成长一般,这个还需要看接下来具体的财报,看看这个net profit是怎么算出来上升的。
MPG的收购除了扩大公司的业务领域外,还有FY14和FY15的profit warranty 和 NTA warranty, 可以说是给此次收购上了一个保险,算是给FY14和FY15的盈利增长设置了一个底限吧,就像CEO说的:”the acquisition will be immediately earnings accretive to the Group.”