利率如果起的话保险公司给的non guaranteed return是有可能给的更高,但具体高不高,高多少仍然是由保险公司自己说了算的,客户做不了主。别忘了保险公司可是以营利为目的的商业机构。
还是那句话,真心不是想砸你饭碗,不过22年的险 年化连1.1%都不到也真是够了,这简直吃人不吐骨头啊。。哪怕guaranted return年化能有3%以上,我都愿意拿一小部分钱来买这种保险。问题是只有1.1%,1.1%,1.1%,重要的事说三遍好么。
虽说吃人不吐骨头的是你的雇主,但每天出去忽悠客户买这种收益几乎可以忽略 把钱死死绑定2-30年,无论流动性还是收益率都极差的产品,你自己也是在助纣为虐吧。
the profit that can be paid to shareholders of the insurance company is limited to a maximum of 1/9th of the value of bonuses allocated to participating policyholders. This means for every $9 distributed to policyholders, a maximum of $1 is distributable to shareholders
the profit that can be paid to shareholders of the insurance company is limited to a maximum of 1/9th of the value of bonuses allocated to participating policyholders. This means for every $9 distributed to policyholders, a maximum of $1 is distributable to shareholders