在同样做房屋经纪朋友指点下,我拿所有的材料和转账记录去CEA 投诉她,因为她现在还是房屋经纪并从业,以为CEA会介入调查此事并主持公道。没想着收到的回复如下:
Dear Sir,
We refer to your email to Council for Estate Agencies (CEA),based on the information and evidences that you provided, we were unable to assist as there was no Estate Agency work done by Ms xxx. Please note that CEA will investigate into allegations of professional misconduct by the salespersons for any breaches of the Estate Agents Act and its Regulations, and guidelines issued by the CEA. For allegations of criminal wrongdoing such as fraud and cheating which appeared to be in your case, such matters will be handed by the Commercial Affairs Department of (more...)
cea 做的没啥错误,他们没有职责和权利
去处理这种纠纷。还是去咨询律师比较好。如果上法庭,最后胜诉,可以拿着判决去找cea, 那个时候CEA才会受理,看对这个中介要采取什么样的行动。但是等待他们的处理结果可能需要一年左右。
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