问个小白的问题:下面这段话是不是说俺给你股票了可是你TM不还钱?The Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”) refers to the Announcements and wishes to inform
shareholders of the Company (“Shareholders”) that the Company did not receive the subscription
consideration from Burwill for Tranche 4, being the final tranche of the Subscription Shares amounting to
A$5.0 million (“Final Consideration”) on 7 November 2017 as agreed under the Variation Letter. However,
17,905,450 Shares, representing the Tranche 4 Subscription Shares, were allotted and issued to Burwill on
the same day (“Final Allotment”). The Final Consideration was received by the Company on 16 November
It means what it means. 什么不还钱? 没看懂你的[…]