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作者:随手灌水 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:91) 发表:2018-03-21 16:05:09  楼主  关注此帖
美元还是新元?如果是新元,bond etf和优先股选择比较少(交易量太小流动性差一般不推荐)。4年做长期投资有些短,最好考虑10年以上的投资。 现在是加息的环境,reits还有长期债券都不看好。在加息周期所有靠杠杆的金融产品都会受加息影响,美国的reits已经惨不忍睹了,新加坡利率迟早会跟美国走的。另外利率升债券会跌,越长期的债券受影响越大,华尔街几个大牛都警告今年长期债券即使考虑利息收益都大概率是负数。如果非要买债券基金,可以买短期债券为主的基金,因为短期基金利息升高的影响在比较短时间内(比如两年)会盖过债券下跌的影响,假设利率一直升的话。另外一种做法是持有债券(不是基金)到期,但是楼主的资金太少很难直接投资债券。 如果只做新元投资,我建议买一部分海峡指数ETF,比如ES3。剩下的直接放Bonus Saver里面以备不时之需。 如果想做一部分美元投资,可以用SCB的证券账户(如果还没有就开一个)买一部分伦敦市场的BLACKROCK的全球指数ETF(IWDA)或者标普500 ETF. SCB最好有20万新元开Priority账户,这样买股票没有最低费用,适合每个月几百这样的定投。另外DBS和网络券商IB也是不错的选择。之所以在伦敦买ETF是因为美国市场对股息有30%的税,伦敦这几个ETF的股息只要15%税。 (more...)
同推荐Shiny Things的帖子
他的那本小册子rich by retirement写的挺实用。也就是你提到的定投es3,iwda,a35,定期rebalance的详细展开。
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作者:随手灌水 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:91) 发表:2018-03-21 23:18:25  2楼
那个小册子有什么是HWZ里没有的吗? 那个楼爬完的话还有必要买那个小册子看吗?
基本上那本书里的内容,在hwz都能找到。只是合并在一起容易阅读。书末总结的quick guide如下

Step 1: Start an emergency fund. Save enough to cover six months’ expenses. Keep this money in
a bank account where you can get to it immediately.
Step 2: Insure yourself. Get a hospital plan, and if you have people dependent on you, get term life
insurance for 20 years, with enough payout to cover five years of your income.
Step 3: Take the money and split it into two piles. Figure "110 minus your age" is the percentage
that will go into stocks, for capital growth and dividends; the rest goes into bonds, for income and
Step 4: Take the "stocks" pile and split it in half. Invest one half into an exchange-traded fund that
tracks Singaporean stocks; invest the other half into an exchange-traded fund that tracks global
Step 5: Take the "bonds" pile and invest it into an exchange-traded fund that tracks Singaporean
Step 6: Each month, invest a regular amount into those same exchange-traded funds; put it into
whichever fund you're short of. (STI ETF可以考虑本地券商的定投服务节省精力,如DBS的 invest saver, OCBC的BCIP,maybank的monthly investment plan之类。国外ETF的券商选择,资金少的话推荐standard chartered,资金多的话推荐interactive brokers)
Step 7: Twice a year, in May and November, rebalance your portfolio—sell and buy the exchangetraded
funds to bring your portfolio back to the "110 minus your age" proportion.
Step 8: Go to the pub.
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