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作者:Jogging (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:218) 发表:2019-06-10 20:23:04  楼主  关注此帖
淡马锡子公司发债券每年4%New Issue - *ASTREA V* Astrea V A-1 is open to ALL. Astrea V A-2 and Astrea V B is ONLY for AI *Indicative terms* from the bookrunners as follow: *Astrea V A-1* CCY: SGD ISSUE RATING: A/ A+ (Fitch/ S&P) TENOR: *10 years, callable in 5 years* PX GUIDANCE: *4% Area* CDP *Non-Marginable* *Min SGD 100k* *Price to client is 100.40% (For smaller deno)* --------------------- *Astrea V A-2* CCY: USD ISSUE RATING: A (Fitch) TENOR: *10 years, callable in 5 years* PX GUIDANCE: *4.90% Area* EUROCLEAR *Non-Marginable* *Min USD 200k* *Price to client is 100% (With rebates)* --------------------- *Astrea V B* CCY: USD ISSUE RATING: BBB (Fitch) TENOR: *10 years* PX GUIDANCE: *6% Area* EUROCLEAR *Non-Marginable* *Min USD 200k* *Price to client is 100% (With rebates)* --- 该帖荣获当日十大第10,奖励楼主1分以及1华新币,时间:2019-06-12 22:00:10。
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作者:Jogging (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:218) 发表:2019-06-11 21:12:44  2楼
淡马锡子公司发债券每年4%New Issue - *ASTREA V* Astrea V A-1 is open to ALL. Astrea V A-2 and Astrea V B is ONLY for AI *Indicative terms* from the bookrunners as follow: *Astrea V A-1* CCY: SGD ISSUE RATING: A/ A+ (Fitch/ S&P) TENOR: *10 years, callable in 5 years* PX GUIDANCE: *4% Area* CDP *Non-Marginable* *Min SGD 100k* *Price to client is 100.40% (For smaller deno)* --------------------- *Astrea V A-2* CCY: USD ISSUE RATING: A (Fitch) TENOR: *10 years, callable in 5 years* PX GUIDANCE: *4.90% Area* EUROCLEAR *Non-Marginable* *Min USD 200k* *Price to client is 100% (With rebates)* --------------------- *Astrea V B* CCY: USD ISSUE RATING: BBB (Fitch) TENOR: *10 years* PX GUIDANCE: *6% Area* EUROCLEAR *Non-Marginable* *Min USD 200k* *Price to client is 100% (With rebates)* --- 该帖荣获当日十大第10,奖励楼主1分以及1华新币,时间:2019-06-12 22:00:10。
June 12-18, 只有3.85% ):
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作者:Jogging (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:218) 发表:2019-06-19 19:38:12  3楼
结果出来了 (more...)
去年还买到5千 今年0 看来太多人买了 没运气还买不到
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