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作者:小土 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:17144) 发表:2019-12-31 16:48:33  19楼 
可以最多top up (FRS-SA),年收入超过4000(四千不是四万)就不能免税,年收入少过4000可免税up to 7000(总的各种免税额度加起来最多8万,男的基本都到不了)。
In general, the maximum amount of VC a member can make is the difference between the CPF Annual Limit of $37,740 and the mandatory contributions (MC) made for the calendar year. Hence, the MC and VC made in a year cannot exceed the current CPF Annual Limit.

MC refers to compulsory contributions required under the CPF Act. These include CPF contributions on the Ordinary and Additional Wages for employees, and MediSave contributions by self-employed persons.

Do note that the VC to the MediSave Account is further subject to the member’s Basic Healthcare Sum (BHS). Therefore, once the member’s BHS is reached, no further VC to the MediSave Account can be made.

Any VC made in excess will be refunded without interest.

每年每人最多可以37740. 假如要给孩子充。也要分几年
现在medisave可以做一下57000. 4%

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