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作者:happyforyousel (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1391) 发表:2024-05-23 21:50:44  楼主  关注此帖
美股的遗产税,大家有关注过吗?如果投资SGX的股票,特别是在CDP里面的,如果投资人去世,那么资产自然按照继承顺序被继承。所以这个不是问题。 问题在于美股,第一个问题是这笔投资在什么平台,登录信息等等,家人未必完全知情,一旦有事,这笔投资就很难被正常继承。当然,这个可以通过把详细信息让家人知道来解决。 那么第二个问题就来了,美股是有遗产税的,对非美国公民和pr来说,还很高。怎么才能避免这个遗产税?有一个办法是联名账户,joint account。我看美股券商开joint account有好几个选择: Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship – A form of ownership in which two or more parties have equal interests in the account and in which title to the entire account goes to the survivor(s) upon the death of one of the account holders. This process avoids court probate of the property, but may have some tax consequences which should be reviewed with a tax advisor prior to opening the account. Community Property – Community Property is property received by a husband and wife during the marriage, except inheritances and specific gifts to (more...)
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