选股的话本身是要找有明确发展方向的。 自己基本能看懂的。 蓝筹。 我到现在也搞不懂英伟达算蓝筹好事增长
假如按照传统蓝筹, 其实没有那么大的振幅。
我可能同时看涨看跌 。 但时间上有点也不是完全错开差别。 参照物不同。我比较在乎beta .portfolio level
我比较了解自己。能力非常有限。 所以一般八成以上的把握。但你或者别人不一定会认同我的判断。觉得比较主观。 因为风险包含的东西多,做减法的也多。 鸟大了什么林子也有,这样的情况也有。
所以我很喜欢我的职业和这个事情。欲罢不能。 看书看看别人怎么弄的。学一学。
wow, you type a lot. thank you. although
I still don't quite get your point of 1%. basically I think we are just talking about different animals.. you are more on portfolio balancing and I am just on pure directional speculative betting. it is quite different approach.
when you talk about churching volume and leverage, this one I agree. I remembered once I put a few thousand dollars with broker house and they gave me about $200K trading limit. I may just buy and sell every 30 seconds or one minute to complete one trade cycle so that they gave me back the limit and I could restart another fresh trade. I may trade more than 50 times that day until one side of the trade volume reach 8 figures. I guess brokerage firm was the happiest man. but for each trade, I have to make sure each trade must have a risk control of less than $500, because that is 1/10 of my deposit, which is already a lot for that kind of starting capital.
to end, I just want to talk one thing which may be different from your opinion, I think "money management" is the most important thing, if not everything, for trading.
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 小土 的帖子 “我刚才的回答”
when you talk about churching volume and leverage, this one I agree. I remembered once I put a few thousand dollars with broker house and they gave me about $200K trading limit. I may just buy and sell every 30 seconds or one minute to complete one trade cycle so that they gave me back the limit and I could restart another fresh trade. I may trade more than 50 times that day until one side of the trade volume reach 8 figures. I guess brokerage firm was the happiest man. but for each trade, I have to make sure each trade must have a risk control of less than $500, because that is 1/10 of my deposit, which is already a lot for that kind of starting capital.
to end, I just want to talk one thing which may be different from your opinion, I think "money management" is the most important thing, if not everything, for trading.
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 小土 的帖子 “我刚才的回答”