请问我刚买了个新硬盘。 然后直接在电脑上安装操作系统, 当安装到8分钟时, 要求我格式化硬盘, 于是我就分出来20g格式化, 但是却无法格式化, 上面显示说硬盘坏了或者scic什么的, 实在搞不懂, 清高手指点, 谢谢。
另; 如果是新硬盘, 只有用dos格式化了以后才可以装操作系统么?
Please provide the exact error message.
Even you mentioned that you didn't understand it, it is the only clue we have that can probably help us proposing solutions to your problem.
You can always format your hard disk during OS installation (applicable to most modern OSes).
You can always format your hard disk during OS installation (applicable to most modern OSes).