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ID: rock420
item 1: GNC Herbal Plus Grape Seed Extract, 100mg, Vegetarian Capsules
qty: 2个 (price: 26.99$ per item), (Buy 1 select GNC Herbal Plus, get 50% off the second)
Link: http://www.drugstore.com/gnc-herbal-plus-grape-seed-extract-100mg-vegetarian-capsules/qxp153737?catid=16981
item 2: GNC Vitamin B-Complex 50 (price: $8.99 per item )
qty: 2个 (price: $8.99 per item ),(Buy 1 select GNC Herbal Plus, get 50% off the second)
Link: http://www.drugstore.com/gnc-b-complex-50-capsules/qxp42381?catid=183157
item 1: GNC Herbal Plus Grape Seed Extract, 100mg, Vegetarian Capsules
qty: 2个 (price: 26.99$ per item), (Buy 1 select GNC Herbal Plus, get 50% off the second)
Link: http://www.drugstore.com/gnc-herbal-plus-grape-seed-extract-100mg-vegetarian-capsules/qxp153737?catid=16981
item 2: GNC Vitamin B-Complex 50 (price: $8.99 per item )
qty: 2个 (price: $8.99 per item ),(Buy 1 select GNC Herbal Plus, get 50% off the second)
Link: http://www.drugstore.com/gnc-b-complex-50-capsules/qxp42381?catid=183157