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作者:小妖 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:8499) 发表:2012-09-20 17:36:18  楼主  关注此帖
【科普讨论】如何让vpost return 体积过大的箱子,比如amazonvpost用多了,总是会撞见几个让你吐血的大箱子。。。 虽然vpost可以提供repack服务,但是,首先,体积重量和实际重量相差3kg以上才给你repack, 其次,就算相差3kg以上了,还得vpost有合适的箱子给你repack才可以repack (有时候也看到vpost利用原有的箱子折扁来repack) 总之,总是有不能repack的箱子。这时候,可以考虑让vpost来return。 我们先来看vpost网站怎么说的 If for any reason, you decide not to use vPOST service to ship your package to Singapore and wish to redirect the package to another address or return to your Merchant. Please note that a SGD10.00 administrative handling charge will be imposed and you will have to bear the full redirection service costs. Should there be any free return label provided by your merchant/sender attached to your item/package, upon your request we will use this free return label to redirect the package back to the merchant/sender at your request.  Alternatively, you may request for the package to be disposed off at the vPOST shipp (more...)
谢谢, 长知识了
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作者:小妖 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:8499) 发表:2012-09-23 21:40:27  2楼
==重要更新,amazon还要收return shipping fee @小妖==收到amazon关于return refund 的email了 Here's the breakdown of your refund for this item: Item Refund: $19.97 Return Shipping Fee Refund Deduction: ($5.49) We'll apply your refund to the following payment method(s): Credit Card []: $14.48
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作者:小妖 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:8499) 发表:2012-09-23 21:41:11  3楼
Return shipping fee 可以要回来的相比vpost,amazon的service简直让你感受到什么是上帝。 那个return shipping fee100%的可以要回来,只要live chat一下,基本就可以了。 另外,跟vpost打交道,我是怕了,坑爹的体积重!巨烂的态度!难打的hotline!(1605居然手机打是收费的,一次让我花了50多块的话费,nnd!)所以我基本只选直邮的。另外,一个不太**办法就是,多申请几个帐户,用new customer的code,也能少个最少20块。推荐maybank credit card,可以少30$ ,而且用的人少,不会code expire了。此法虽然**,但只针对vpost这种烂货!
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作者:小妖 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:8499) 发表:2012-09-26 10:44:46  4楼
没错,但是什么父母的long term pass了,EP pass 了都是可以的,反正办法总是有的了。
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作者:小妖 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:8499) 发表:2012-09-26 10:46:12  5楼
【科普讨论】如何让vpost return 体积过大的箱子,比如amazonvpost用多了,总是会撞见几个让你吐血的大箱子。。。 虽然vpost可以提供repack服务,但是,首先,体积重量和实际重量相差3kg以上才给你repack, 其次,就算相差3kg以上了,还得vpost有合适的箱子给你repack才可以repack (有时候也看到vpost利用原有的箱子折扁来repack) 总之,总是有不能repack的箱子。这时候,可以考虑让vpost来return。 我们先来看vpost网站怎么说的 If for any reason, you decide not to use vPOST service to ship your package to Singapore and wish to redirect the package to another address or return to your Merchant. Please note that a SGD10.00 administrative handling charge will be imposed and you will have to bear the full redirection service costs. Should there be any free return label provided by your merchant/sender attached to your item/package, upon your request we will use this free return label to redirect the package back to the merchant/sender at your request.  Alternatively, you may request for the package to be disposed off at the vPOST shipp (more...)
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作者:小妖 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:8499) 发表:2012-09-26 10:52:03  6楼
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