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作者:minnano (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:178) 发表:2012-10-15 09:22:16  楼主  关注此帖
=========跟单区(id,item, qty, link, price, contact)=============没有电话不下哦,可以pm
跟单 谢谢
id minnano

item American Health Chewable Acidophilus with Bifidus, Banana 100 wafers
qty 2
link http://www.drugstore.com/american-health-chewable-acidophilus-with-bifidus-banana/qxp277877?catid=183141
price our price: $5.99

item L'il Critters Gummy Vites Multi-Vitamin 190 ea
qty 6
link http://www.drugstore.com/lil-critters-gummy-vites-multi-vitamin/qxp161169?catid=183228
price our price: $13.49

item L'il Critters Omega-3 Gummy Fish 120 ea
qty 1
link http://www.drugstore.com/lil-critters-omega-3-gummy-fish/qxp181134?catid=183249
price our price: $8.99

item Culturelle Probiotic All Natural Dairy & Gluten Free Vegetable Capsules Lactobacillus GG 30 ea
qty 2
link http://www.drugstore.com/culturelle-probiotic-all-natural-dairy-and-gluten-free-vegetable-capsules-lactobacillus-gg/qxp221973?catid=180678
price our price: $15.49

item Culturelle Probiotics for Kids!, Probiotic Packets 30 ea
qty 2
link http://www.drugstore.com/culturelle-probiotics-for-kids-probiotic-packets/qxp215151?catid=180678
price our price: $19.99
contact 915635=97
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作者:minnano (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:178) 发表:2012-10-15 10:23:36  2楼
跟单 谢谢id minnano item American Health Chewable Acidophilus with Bifidus, Banana 100 wafers qty 2 link http://www.drugstore.com/american-health-chewable-acidophilus-with-bifidus-banana/qxp277877?catid=183141 price our price: $5.99 item L'il Critters Gummy Vites Multi-Vitamin 190 ea qty 6 link http://www.drugstore.com/lil-critters-gummy-vites-multi-vitamin/qxp161169?catid=183228 price our price: $13.49 item L'il Critters Omega-3 Gummy Fish 120 ea qty 1 link http://www.drugstore.com/lil-critters-omega-3-gummy-fish/qxp181134?catid=183249 price our price: $8.99 item Culturelle Probiotic All Natural Dairy & Gluten Free Vegetable Capsules Lactobacillus GG 30 ea qty 2 link http://www.drugstore.com/culturelle-probiotic-all-natural-dairy-and-gluten-free-vegetable-capsules-lactobacillus-gg/qxp221973?catid=180678 price our price: $15.49 item Culturelle Probiotics for Kids!, Probiotic Packets 30 ea qty 2 link http://www.drugstore.com/culturelle-probiotics-for-kids-probiotic-packets/qxp215151?catid=180678 price our
再加一个 谢谢
item Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls Probiotics, Capsules 90 ea
qty 1
link http://www.drugstore.com/enzymatic-therapy-acidophilus-pearls-probiotics-capsules/qxp350893?catid=183141
price our price: $22.99

contact 915635=97
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作者:minnano (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:178) 发表:2012-10-23 21:33:50  3楼
------公告 3, 帐单出了,大家转帐吧----------昨天付了vpost,今天已经运出来了,估计下礼拜二到吧。 本次共4个箱子,2个是本团的。drugstore给的箱子还可以,可是,可是,团长没有充分考虑小熊糖的重量,结果一个箱子14kg,运费100多,再加上那单250多美金的价值,就华丽丽的中了gst. 不过团长也太老实了,没敢弄虚作假少报value,还是老老实实交了gst. 后来想想,如果分成三单,第三单给个小箱子也差不多要30块运费,算下来还是差不多。所以斗胆就把gst跟运费一起算,当运费摊掉,大家没有意见吧?这样的话小熊糖的运费就是6块,比以前团的贵几毛,大家就原谅团长的考虑不周吧。 帐单在此,单据都贴在里面了。大家可以开始转帐了。 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AtvpT0MN4thLdG54SUFxVmc5OWFkV21wa2p5MlJLWEE&output=html
已转账 DBS ref 5451 谢谢
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