一点建议1. 对于旗袍,我在国内买木真了,穿出去n多人跑过来问,都问是不是Vivien Tam
2. 对于年会,如果是错了不要骂我,shanghai express 是不是在上海, 那么上海满街都是fashion, 淮海路两边陕西路,长乐路淘一淘就满是好东西,如果要中式,那么到茂名路那边看一看,个人认为有些涉及洋为中用,不下于vivien tam
3. 关于礼服,国内真正的party文化还没有形成,上海这两年有浮躁得很,其实没有必要穿旗袍,反倒不能express 别人,建议买好一点的极简洁的小洋装,还可以百搭,配上游中式绣花的高跟鞋就是另一种传统感觉,或者手袋,随自己来了。
the annual celebration is in Singapore..
So called "Shanghai express", is a package offered by a restaurant... on their brocher there is an old-Shanghai fashion lady, and that is the theme.
thanks for your suggestions, and I like the No.3 expecially :)
i was thinking abt dui4 jin1 top, which just give a little bit feeling of china tradition...
(好一点的极简洁的小洋装...where to find it :] It's always very difficult to find something that we only want at the moment.. keke..
So called "Shanghai express", is a package offered by a restaurant... on their brocher there is an old-Shanghai fashion lady, and that is the theme.
thanks for your suggestions, and I like the No.3 expecially :)
i was thinking abt dui4 jin1 top, which just give a little bit feeling of china tradition...
(好一点的极简洁的小洋装...where to find it :] It's always very difficult to find something that we only want at the moment.. keke..