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作者:flybird111 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1320) 发表:2009-06-20 22:44:16  楼主  关注此帖
不需要,原因见内PR是永久的,renew的是re-entry permit,所以即使re-entry permit没有被renew,你还是PR,还可以在新加坡居住,当然也不用卖房子
“A valid Re-Entry Permit (REP) is necessary whenever a Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) wishes to travel out of Singapore. It will enable the Permanent Resident to retain his/her SPR status while away from Singapore.

A SPR who remains outside Singapore without a valid REP will lose his/her SPR status. “

which means, PR is not permanent!
Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.
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作者:flybird111 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1320) 发表:2009-08-29 17:31:39  2楼
刚刚拿到公民通知,10月7号宣誓,是不是10月7号后马上就能申请政府组屋贷款了?刚刚拿到公民approve letter,10月7号宣誓,是不是10月7号后马上就能申请政府组屋贷款了?
yes...u will get a temp pink IC
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作者:flybird111 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1320) 发表:2009-08-29 21:39:45  3楼
temp pink IC 是宣誓那天还是NEE那天拿到呀?9月16号NEE(national education experience),10月7号宣誓,最快哪天能拿到temp pink IC 呢? 多谢~
10.7 you can get temp IC

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作者:flybird111 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1320) 发表:2009-08-29 21:41:44  4楼
HLE 申请最快多久可以拿到呢?
depends on when you submit the documents
apply online, print out application form and sign..and send or fax to them the application form + supporting documents...after they receive the documents, normally you will get HLE within 7 working days by post....
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作者:flybird111 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1320) 发表:2009-08-30 12:31:10  5楼
3万块的政府补贴会不会考虑bonus,allowrance?我跟老婆基本工资总共6000左右,不过我的bonus很多,她因为暂时派去国内, allowrance比较多,不知道会不会拿不到那个津贴???
monthly gross salary
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