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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-26 09:04:06  楼主  关注此帖
穷人夫妻买房困惑贴,求解!请教各位,像我家这种情况大家觉得房子买在哪里比较好?简单说这个情况吧,就是钱少麻烦多,嘿嘿,真是惭愧。 @人口状况2头,1pr+1sc,均工作,其中一人工作+读书,辛苦可怜。 @经济情况。现金3万多点,全部身家了。CPF一万?没算过,才工作,很少。 @工作地点目前均靠近市中心,raffles一带。以后可能变动,但是至少有一人会一直在市中心。 铁皮我觉得靠近学校比较好,至少晚上下课不会太辛苦,所以比较倾向买靠近NUS。但是家里掌舵人又说,靠近学校的房子多比较旧,且昂贵,dover,common wealth, q’s town都是贵的地。遂起纷争。。。。 目前看来,如果靠近学校,只能买个三房,4房远远不敢想。如果远点离开NUS周围这个范围,可以捡个便宜地买个四房。 还有一点,这个房子可能自己大概只会住5年左右,应该就会离开新加坡。不过这个比较远期,暂时不能确定,不过也是铁皮不愿意投入太多在这个房子上的一个原因。 大家请给点意见,看看各位牛人的见解比两人在家打架好 。。。

1. HDB又给3万的家庭补贴
2. 如果你们的某一方的父母都是LSVP,可以试着把他们加入到occupier上,这样有可能再拿1W的父母补贴。(这个不敢保证,而且手续挺麻烦的)
3. 如果家庭总收入低于5000,还有多余的补贴可以拿,最高到4万。
4. 除了COV,deposit以外的钱,都可以向HDB贷款,2.6%的年息,最后需要付的总利息大概是30%(30年贷款)。
5. 如果买的是3房,只要最后赔给HDB3万,就可以再买新房。

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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-27 17:17:55  2楼
(v) You are buying a flat with your parents/married child included as the joint applicants or permitted occupiers.


# To qualify, you have to meet one of these proximity conditions:
(i) You are buying a flat in the same town as your parents'/married child's flat.
(ii) You are buying a flat within 2 km of your parents'/married child's flat, if they are in different towns.
(iii) You are buying a flat in the same town of a private residential property that is owned and occupied by your parents/married child.
(iv) You are buying a flat within 2 km of a private residential property that is owned and occupied by your parents/married child.
(v) You are buying a flat with your parents/married child included as the joint applicants or permitted occupiers.


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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-27 17:19:24  3楼
这位是知识型选手,请教死海兄,关于HDB贷款的问题。HDB的贷款有根据年龄强制贷多少年这种说法吗?还是说贷款年限是根据家庭月收入,自己选择的? 比如说有能力20年还完,HDB会强制让贷30年吗?大谢
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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-27 17:20:09  4楼
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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-27 22:13:55  5楼
please go and read www.hdb.gov.sg, before u come here to commentotherwise, u r just confusing people.
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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-27 22:48:19  6楼
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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-28 10:31:09  7楼
除了COV,deposit以外的钱,都可以向HDB贷款, 痴人说梦!!!!
读书一定要仔细,看官方的HDB loan计算器!!
Grant 在bank loan和hdb loan 中的作用是不同的。

官方的HDB loan计算器


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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-28 11:44:53  8楼
The point isyou must pay 5% of evaluation price by cash, excluding any kind of housing grant. Got it?????? If today someone believes that he only needs 10K cash to buy a 400K house, r u gonna top up for him in case he signed 1st appointment?
do you read "how can you make use of the housing grant for the flat purchase"
The 5% cash only happen when you take a bank loan. For HDB loan, it is a different story. Are you sure you process the similar case before? If no, could you check the HDB website carefully?


The CPF Housing Grant can be used to pay towards the purchase of the resale flat or to reduce the mortgage loan. Hence, if you do not have enough CPF savings, the grant can be used to pay for the initial payment towards the purchase. The balance, if any, must be used to reduce the mortgage loan. However, the grant cannot be used to offset the cash payment where the declared resale price exceeds the market valuation.

If you are buying the resale flat with a bank loan, the CPF Housing Grant will be treated as part of your CPF fund. It can be used to pay for the CPF portion of the initial payment towards the purchase of the resale flat or to reduce the mortgage loan. It will be included in the computation of the CPF withdrawal limit.

The treatment of the initial payment in CPF fund and cash for buying resale flats with bank loans is as below:

Minimum Cash/CPF Payment


(including Housing Grant)


(a) The cash payment is computed based on the lower of the market valuation or resale price.
(b) The cash payment is in addition to the cash-over-valuation ('cov') for cases where the transacted resale price is above market valuation. Resale flat buyers must pay the 'cov' in cash.
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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-29 07:22:43  9楼
do you read "how can you make use of the housing grant for the flat purchase"The 5% cash only happen when you take a bank loan. For HDB loan, it is a different story. Are you sure you process the similar case before? If no, could you check the HDB website carefully? http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10201p.nsf/WPDis/Buying%20A%20Resale%20FlatCPF%20Housing%20Grant%20for%20Family?OpenDocument#use The CPF Housing Grant can be used to pay towards the purchase of the resale flat or to reduce the mortgage loan. Hence, if you do not have enough CPF savings, the grant can be used to pay for the initial payment towards the purchase. The balance, if any, must be used to reduce the mortgage loan. However, the grant cannot be used to offset the cash payment where the declared resale price exceeds the market valuation. If you are buying the resale flat with a bank loan, the CPF Housing Grant will be treated as part of your CPF fund. It can be used to pay for the CPF portion of the initial payment towards the purchase of t (more...)
5%的现金只是局限于银行贷款,correct me if there are evidences
找到一条旧的新闻, 5%的现金其实是从2006年开始的,以前是4%:




虽然flybird111说他曾经见过即使拿HDB贷款也要付5%的现金,但是他提不出来任何相关的HDB条款,也没有任何证据。 希望有哪位确实有经验的大侠提供切实可信的证据!
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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-06-29 23:05:15  10楼
好吧,既然要转帖就贴全,不要以片面的信息加你主观的“既然+那么”来误导大家1.for married couples who are first-timer applicants and are buying a resale flat near their parents'/married child's HDB flat or owner-occupied private residential property 2. CPF housing grant for family (living near parents/married child) - Parents are residing in an HDB flat or owner-occupied private property within same town or within 2 km 上面这两条HDB的原文已经讲的很清楚了:买房者的父母的房产必须在你要买的房子的附近。如果你的父母现在都还没有房产,这个1w补贴的前提当然就不成立了。请注意你把父母的名字放在你“将要”买的房子里不能算作“your parents' HDB flat”或者"Parents are residing in an HDB flat"
原文已经贴过了,但估计被人认为是瞎编的。就把HDB的网页剪下来。请毛驴大大帮忙解释下第五个条件在什么情况下可以成立。 其实大家也不差这1万,只不过觉得HDB的条款太多,太杂,想弄个明白而已。

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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-07-01 22:48:28  11楼
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作者:deadsea (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:468) 发表:2009-07-01 22:51:00  12楼
原来有1W4,加上政府给的4W, 律师费和税去了5600和860,剩下的就都还贷款了,
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